28 February 2013

Emotion studies - all the emotions you can fit into one life drawing class


im a little behind on posting and I have lots to post, which will hopefully be up in the next couple of days but for now i'm just gonna post some of my recent motion studies work.

Below is a montage of both this weeks and the previous weeks studies, featuring both the feminine and masculine form, however some of the images play particular focus to weight and others are influenced by particularly emotions such as despair, joy and  feeling distraught. Yesterdays lesson featured a mixture of good and bad drawings as in several of the drawings they feature elephant legs as i struggled to get the lower bodies proportions right.
 The second montage of drawings features several quick sketches of Maria in dance like positions.


24 February 2013

Motion Studies - lifting with emotion


For the motion studies section of our second semester we are looking into motion and performance and what makes things believable, which involves acting workshops, life drawing and various bizarre workshops.

In today's lecture we looked at stability and your centre of gravity, e.g a big headed small bodied character would not be stable and a really tall character would have a less stable centre of gravity then a shorter stodgier character.

But the main aim of the lesson was to look at weight and inparticular  the motions and anticipation involved in a character picking up something which is very heavier, for example a character picking up a small box may be more concerned about how their clothing may get in the way whereas with a heavy objects you will see the character think over how they will go about it, as Richard Williams says its the action that tells us how heavy it is.

Anyway our 'homework' assignment was to animate in any medium a character sizing up and picking up a box. here is my short clip animated in flash so far, however im not quite sure i've quite got the weight reference right yet.

Thanks for watching :)

17 February 2013

In the words of Bon Jovi 'I dont wanna be another wave in the ocean'


I just wanted to post some of my current work from the new semester and in particular the Animation Practice module, in which we were given one week to create a short piece that signified a certain aspect of the waves to us.

Some of  Andy's key words for this project were Strong, Bold and Original
My first instincts were too produce a stop motion clip featuring various materials and textures creating the motion of a whirl pool. i started by researching poems, quotes and stories relating to waves and other artists work relating loosely to waves after finding a quote on tumblr i decided to make my sea very turbulent and choppy.

: {)

7 February 2013

the after effects of a space cow on redbull


i just wanted to post the work from our adobe after effects workshop in which we created a rough piece about a space cow based on the felix redbull story, focussing on an introduction to after effects.

No offence to Redbull - students love them

Thanks for watching :)