30 March 2013

Test Shot 3 - Body Paint

Fitting in with my chosen tracks tribal theme I wanted to try out animating using the human body as a canvas, so using sharpies and nail polish I created this simple yet effective test shot. 

Thanks for Watching 


26 March 2013

Bye Bye Baby - Individual Adaption Project


I know I haven't posted in a while and my blog has been going through some aesthetic changes and improvements and isn't quite there yet but anyway I wanted to post some of the work from my Individual animation adaption work. 

This new task is about adapting a test shot and background from either a book, comic, game or image.

I  choose the Ahlberg's Bye Bye Baby a tale about a child who goes out to find a family.

below  is the extract that i chose to work from 

and here is my adaption process and final image


Test shot 2 - Illusions


My second test shot is based on the art of optical illusions:


18 March 2013

Experimental test one and stop mo workshop


Here is one of my experimental animation test shots, created using a chalkboard:

and below is a short video featuring my work from the stop motion workshop mine is the one on the right
