<= Each doodle was either drawn straight from real life, or from a picture taken during the last week of uni, capturing how fun it really is to be a student, at UCF, where even pots and pans can provide cheap and humorous entertainment.
And the guys and girls below represent me, my flatmates and our friends, making both hats and instruments out of kitchen utensils well until security shut us down for being to noisy, creativity isn't quiet is it.
The Below characters are just random devised characters, based on the idea of lost children and teddies slightly inspired by the idea of the 1990 tv series called the Forgotten Toys.
Below is some examples of the work from the artists and animators who are particularly inspiring to me.
Tim Burton
Peter Reynaulds
The Rugrats were a massive influence on my childhood and there simplistic character design featuring bright bold colours continues to influence my current work. Created by Arlene Klasky, Gabor Csupo and Paul Germain, the series ran from 1991 to 2004 focusing solely on the manic and adventurous daily adventures of Phil, lil, Angelica, Chuckie, and Tommy.
Thanks for reading ;-)