30 April 2013

creating atmosphere using paint

Here is my background work so far.

  and here is a draft for my painted ones, im not sure if these will remain a draft or i will alter them on photoshop to create my final pieces.


29 April 2013

Pirate Backgrounds

As a continuation of our 2d backgrounds project we were asked to develop a exterior layout and an interior and exterior background from last terms storyboard project.

however neither my layouts or backgrounds are a straight adaption from the boards as I felt I have come on since then and wanted to show my progress.

above is my initial brainstorm and adaptions from the boards. 

below is my next three adaptions from the boards. 

^ this frame will become the exterior background focusing on showing depth through the use of colour, my plan is to use dark colours in the for ground blending into bright yellow hues, showing both depth and the glow from the blaze.

one of my contextual references for artists is the below piece of concept art from Pirates of the Carribean 

My second Background is an interior shot, focusing on how a soft key light and a secondary light create shadows. 

this task has proven more challenging than the others as i wasn't sure how to draw the inside of the boat, however I decided that as the task was to focus on lighting I would only have my main features illuminated therefore removing the need to show the structure of the boat rather just the cramp composition of the main props. 

the image below shows what areas will be illuminated and what will be in a shadow.

the last task is to create a exterior layout focusing on drawing the eye to a 3d space, below is my design for it, ready for neatening up and enlarging.

25 April 2013

Flirty female again

here is my final flirty walkcycle, 

however before I got to my final version I went through this draft however i still wasn't happy with the leg positions as I felt that her left leg was in the wrong position.

24 April 2013

Motion Studies

As part of our motion studies brief we were asked to create at least three different walk cycles featuring exaggerated performance.

we were given six different emotions to choose from:

- late for work
-  distracted
- good mood
- bad mood
- flirty female
- macho man

here is my first attempt at a flirty females walk.

as you can see it goes a bit wobbly around the 12th frame, as the gap in between the legs becomes to large and breaks the knee joint. 

above is attempt 2 as you can see it still goes a bit out on the second step but is much better than the first attempt but still needs minor improvements as well as the addition of the rest of the body.


21 April 2013

Sea Project: Animatic - Evolving over time

^ Above is the very first draft (one that features each of our drawings) , a draft that was put together incredibly quickly and is therefore terrible in all aspects, the timing is out, you have no idea what is actually going on and it does not flow.  well at all.

^ After the very crude very attempt at the animatic, we scrapped every shot from the storyboard and went back to the drawing board (literally) changing both the feel of the piece and the style.
For this Animatic I drew the rough storyboard, Vicky Cleaned it up and Hannah and Vicky put it together on Premiere pro.
Although this animatic was a lot better than our initial attempt the timing is still out and its felt it still too literal.

Here's how we plan to verify these problems

- Cut grabbing off the board as its too literal, then use Michael Newman Baywatch intro reference for the run part of the rescue (its very comical) - depending on timing he could fall/trip. - however to add comic effect a seagull will fly into his face.

- When Chris trips over the sunbathers the fall should be quicker but the frames should take up more time in the story.

- The running to the sea part is too literal and too long.

- When Chris quotes 'fit guy'  he should start to drop the fit guy as if remebering how heavy he is before going back to the interview and looking cocky to add comic effect.

here's the final animatic 

Thanks for watching 


Sun, Sea , Rockpools and Idents

New Brief - with Adam Aiken 

As we've finished our experimental brief with Derek we've now been set a new project to create a short Ident for our course at Falmouth, 

My Ideas

As soon as the brief was properly explained my brain flourished with ideas for this project, the brief was simple and we practically had the freedom to create what ever we wanted as long as it fits these simple rules:

- up to 10 seconds in length
- need to consider music and sound effects (most idents dont have dialogue)
- if you use music it cannot be copyrighted
- its best if its funny abstract or poetic
-visually engagging
-  includes the logo for the course and the university
- and don't just use a computer to create it think like an experimental piece. 

I really want my piece to not only describe the course but also the environment that we are surrounded in, therefore I would quite like my piece to reflect everything to do with the sea. 

below are some of  my initial ideas 

- The Bucketrope a play on the zoetrope, inspired by Tim Wheatley's The Cyclotrope but using a bucket funnily enough, featuring a sea gull's flight on the side as it spins. - not sure how I would include the logos though.

-  Chalk drawings using pebbles as a canvas, using Gylly beach as my inspiration I found this collection of rocks and I love how the environment has created a sort of cave drawing on the center rock.

- My favourite idea so far was inspired by both exploring Gylly beach in this lovely weather and by watching BBC FOUR's documentary on the secret life of rock pools, highlighting how they come to life during the night. hence the birth of my idea to create an Ident inside a rockpool in which the sea creatures are the logos.  

It is my intention to create my piece in black and white and then gradually turn it into colour making the piece more abstract whilst also hinting at how the industry is always evolving. 

Contextual references 

Walt Disney studios  'Paperman' 

Tiji 'Colour' was created by Akama Studios  and it follows how a sad little panda is the only one who is not coloured in. 

Black and White (In colour)  was created by Eran Amir  by using painting the whole room (including Eran in greyscale before stripping off the grey tones and replacing them with vibrant colours. 

The gradual reappearance of colour within Eran's short is what I hope to create in my ident.

thanks for reading :)

17 April 2013

Background detectives from Rodger Rabbit to Morris the Midget Moose

2D Backgrounds For Animation 

For this project we've been learning about all aspects of designing backgrounds from conception to finished production.

 Our first task was to replicate in pencil  five different animation backgrounds of our choice.

1. From Who framed  Rodger Rabbit
(this one was my favourite one to draw, I loved adding in the little details on the buildings and dealing with the wacky perspective)

2. From Alice in Wonderland 

(simple yet effective the slightly curvy lines in the White Rabbits house and the topsy turvy decorations create a beautiful composition)

3. From Winnie the Pooh

( The colour tones in this landscape create a simple yet effective way of creating forced perspective)

4. From the 101 Dalmations
( one of my favourite films however im not sure I did this background justice as I found it very hard to show the perspective within the angular composistion)

5.  From Morris the Midget Moose

we then learnt about drawing from perspective something that I struggled with more than the most of the class.

Thanks for reading 


there's more posts to come on this project 

SeaProject: so Far

Three is the Magic Number 

Brief; - In small groups devise a short animation to the sea rescue interview provided, it can be of any medium and any interpretation as long as none of the soundtrack is changed.

Story three's sea rescue involves a young fit surfer, a slightly older (perhaps less fit) worker and a riptide.
here's the piece's script
My names Chris I work at a beach car park in Cornwall Right on the beach.
As I was opening up starting work I heard some shouts on the beach. I had a look they were clearly pointing to the guy in the water, he was clearly in trouble. Being a surfer myself I knew I could handle a rescue board, so I grabbed the rescue board and ran down, paddled out to the guy who had been taken out on the rip current, he was off his body board now and panicking a little bit. I managed to get him on the rescue board and we didn't paddle straight in because that would have been against the rip current so we paddled to the right until we were out of the current and then in as I was chatting to him it was funny because he was a fit guy,  you know strange even he couldn't swim against that current
My co animators on this project are Vicky  http://vickykeaveney.blogspot.co.uk/
and Hannah http://hgeach.blogspot.co.uk/ why not check out their work.

15 April 2013

Flipping Killer whales

After my careers lecture today my brain scrambled and became completely randomly obsessed with watching BlackFish or Killer whales on Youtube, and out of my random dreaminess and  todays obsession  came a short flip book animation on a Killer Whale jumping. 

Thanks for Watching


My Experimental Final piece

The Devil's Duet

Featuring  the Music - Ruta and Daita

First of all I'm Sorry for not posting in ages, I've been away from uni over the Easter break. 

Below is the promo shoots and Final Piece for my experimental animation piece entitled The Devil's Duet. I choose to do my african tribal inspired piece in chalk as i felt it wanted the style to reflect the music's roots and my personal interest in their culture. 

And here is the final piece ...


Thanks for Watching 
