^ Above is the very first draft (one that features each of our drawings) , a draft that was put together incredibly quickly and is therefore terrible in all aspects, the timing is out, you have no idea what is actually going on and it does not flow. well at all.
^ After the very crude very attempt at the animatic, we scrapped every shot from the storyboard and went back to the drawing board (literally) changing both the feel of the piece and the style.
For this Animatic I drew the rough storyboard, Vicky Cleaned it up and Hannah and Vicky put it together on Premiere pro.
Although this animatic was a lot better than our initial attempt the timing is still out and its felt it still too literal.
Here's how we plan to verify these problems
- Cut grabbing off the board as its too literal, then use Michael Newman Baywatch intro reference for the run part of the rescue (its very comical) - depending on timing he could fall/trip. - however to add comic effect a seagull will fly into his face.
- When Chris trips over the sunbathers the fall should be quicker but the frames should take up more time in the story.
- The running to the sea part is too literal and too long.
- When Chris quotes 'fit guy' he should start to drop the fit guy as if remebering how heavy he is before going back to the interview and looking cocky to add comic effect.
here's the final animatic
Thanks for watching