27 November 2012

Hey there,

I just wanted to update you with some of my recent work, including my random doodles, 2d cartoon takes, storyboards, and Gulliver's travels inspired drawing project.

Cartoon Takes

For Andy's Animation Principles we were asked to continue our last weeks cubey character anticipation and overlap clip, adding on a cartoon take, in which our character looks and reacts to something off screen. For my clip I decided to have my character get so angry that his head blows up and away like a balloon which someone has just let go off before tying up to conceal the air, he then reaches inside of his chest and plucks out a new head.


As you know I have been working on boarding a short script from Zoo troop and the lost piratz treasure, well the first deadline for this project is fast approaching, and my project is therefore hopefully coming together well, even though im only 11 shots into the 37 shot board. 

 In the above frame, the PiRatz are burrowing through their new found treasure.
 In these three frames, from the very beginning of my board, the PiRatz ship is sailing across from the right of the screen, and the camera is panning across from the left of the screen over to the burning building.

 The next few frames, (starting with the one above) are the views from inside the captains quarter inside our ship, before we enter his thoughts and memories about their epic adventure, (in true JD scrubs style).

 The frame to my right, represents our captains memory of the shaken mayor of the burning city imprisoned in one of the cupboards in the town hall and the frame below represents out captains memory of one of his crew raiding the town.

Thank you for reading :)

I will update you with the rest of my boards, doodles, projects and maya work soon.

22 November 2012

Boarding to kill Boredom

I know its been a while since ive posted anything, but i've recently been away from campus and my computer to go to BAF (Bradford Animation Festival) which was awesome and I will update you with all the stuff ive absorbed and been enlightened with later, but for now I just wanted to post some of recent work, which may or may not have been done on the coach ride home to kill the boredom.
Although for our storyboarding module we have been set a big brief which for me revolves around a pirate script from zoo troop and lost pirate treasure, Derek has also set us smaller week long briefs, and this weeks is about a small two person confrontation in a grand room, and although we had complete freedom on characters and to some aspect poses we were given three choices of room settings to choose from and replicate. Here is my final piece

Drawing for Animation:

Recently in kathy's seminar she set us the task of drawing anatomically correct  poses and here are a few of mine.

Thanks for reading :0

7 November 2012

The many faces of Morpheus


I just wanted to post my recent morpheus poses, focussing on manipulating his whole body, although after a while I got use to mastering how to manipulate the main aspects of his body and his facial features, im still unsure on how to move the digits on his hands so I have left them in their basic position but concentrated on using the arms and the face to display the emotions.

Thanks for reading and looking :)

4 November 2012

Squishy and the Stairs


I just wanted to post my recent Maya adventure, which focuses on animating my squishy ball in a new and exciting environment, which just happens to be bouncing up a staircase, rolling along the corridor and then bouncing over a oncoming ball. I found this quite challenging but enjoyed pushing myself to achieve two objects moving at once, however there is aspects that I would change as when the ball is bouncing over the football the football rolls backwards slightly and although this was unintentional I think its adds quite a lot of character to the piece as it makes it seem like the bouncing ball is very excitable where as the football's character  is shy.

Thanks For watcing :)

I will upload my more recent Maya's this week


What time is it, its doodle time?


I know I havent posted in a while so I just wanted to update you on some of my recent doodles and concept artwork.

Derek has set us the main brief of our storyboard project and although at first none of the scripts jumped out at me, after reading and reading each script i remembered a conversation me and my mum had earlier on this year about how if i was to open a pie shop I would call it something like PiRatz and the mascot of the shop would be a Pi Rat, so it is for this reason that i have decided to develop my storyboard on the script from ZOO Troop and the lost pirate treasure. Any way here is some of my recent doodles inspired by my storyboard project.

here are some of more of my recent doodles, some of which are inspired from the scripts and others are just inspired from ive witnessed in the past weeks.

Thanks for looking :)

31 October 2012

Happy Halloween!!!!!!


Inspired by the creepy makeshift decorations that have spread around halls, and my flatmate attempting to carve the pumpkin I doodled a little drawing of my pumpykin man and here he is.....

But onto the more serious stuff here is my most recent 2d animation in which we had to animate a character jumping from a to b before interacting with a offscreen character, so I decided that my cubey would get incredibly excited jumping up and down waving, before jumping off screen and being pushed back on and consequently over.

22 October 2012

Me, Myself and my Flatties

Hey bloggeees

I just wanted to post some of my recent doodles, just to show you a bit more about me, and I thought that whilst I was doing this I would show you which artists influence me.

 <= Each doodle was either drawn straight from real life, or from a picture taken during the last week of uni, capturing how fun it really is to be a student, at UCF, where even pots and pans can  provide cheap and humorous entertainment.

And the guys and girls below represent me, my flatmates and our friends, making both hats and instruments out of kitchen utensils well until security shut us down for being to noisy, creativity isn't quiet is it.

 The Below characters are just random devised characters, based on the idea of lost children and teddies slightly inspired by the idea of the 1990 tv series called the Forgotten Toys.          

Below is some examples of the work from the artists and animators who are particularly inspiring to me.

Tim Burton 

Peter Reynaulds 


The Rugrats were a massive influence on my childhood and there simplistic character design featuring bright bold colours continues to influence my current work. Created by Arlene Klasky, Gabor Csupo and Paul Germain, the series ran from 1991 to 2004 focusing solely on the manic and adventurous daily adventures of Phil, lil, Angelica, Chuckie, and Tommy.

Thanks for reading ;-)